People often tell me that for an artist, I have a good understanding of business. I would hope so! I started working at the flea market in Sapulpa, Oklahoma at the age of seven. I was paid two dollars a week under the table for my labors. I got first real job at the age of 15 as a teacher’s aid and part time art teacher at a summer school program. The Private Industry Training Council of Sapulpa teamed local businesses with disadvantaged youths and helped pay part of our salaries. So I owe my first job, and it was a job in the arts, to the willingness of businesses to work together to help the children of a small town get a chance to shine.
I am very happy to say that I have been able to pay that gift forward.

BlueMoon Antiques hosted two jewelry artists: Jenny Knauff who is donating the proceeds from auctioning her jewelry to the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation and Lisa Rounds who is donating her proceeds to The Ruth Enlow Library. (Pictured with art Margaret from Blue Moon Antiques)
Photographer Marcia Warnick’s work was displayed at 1st United Bank.“The White Dogwoods” proceeds are being donated to Samantha Funding the Arts. (pictured with art Blake from 1st United Bank)

Phil is donating two pieces to auction: “Garret County Barn” and “Sunburst” all proceeds will go to Garrett County Mentors.
MedicalRehabilitation Systems hosted the painted textile work of Regina Holliday and Joan Holliday. As the work we are showing represents the advocacy movement known as The Walking Gallery, we are donating a materials basket with information about the movement. The proceeds from this basket will go to the Grantsville Elementary PTO.

The work of Photographer Connie Garlitz was displayed at The Republican Newspaperoffice. “Flower with Hummingbirds” is the piece Connie is donating to support the Rotary Christmas Tree Fund.
The students of Grantsville Elementary are participating by displaying class creations in local businesses. All proceeds of the children’s work will go to the Grantsville Elementary PTO to support continued education in the arts.
The student work from Mrs. Wampler class “The Four Seasons” was displayed at Buckel’s Laundromat.
TheMedicine Shoppe displayed “Birches and Butterflies” from Mrs. Paul’s 4thgrade class.
Four Season’s Stichery displayed “Paper Quilt” by Mrs. Upole’s 5th grade class.
Dr.Robin Bissell’s office displayed “Birds on a High-line” from Mrs. Stark’s 5thgrade class.
Grant’s Mercantile displayed Mrs. Pfaff’s 1st grade project “Flower Vase” and Mrs. Frantz’s 3rd grade project “A Field of Flowers.”
Penn Alps displayed the painting “The Casselman Bridge” created by Mrs. Rhoten’s 2ndgrade class.
Kid’sCorner displayed the work of Mrs. Evan’s preschool class with a pice entitled “Fish” and the work of Mrs. Bittinger’s Class. Their piece is entitled “Kites Fly High.”
The Republican Newspaper’s Grantsville office also hosted the work of Mrs. McKenzie’s 3rd grade class and their painting of “Grantsville.”