A, B, C, D or F Leapfrog and the Hospital Safety Score
Three years and eight months ago I sat at a computer trying to compare facilities in the greater metropolitan area while my husband Fred was hospitalized in Maryland with stage 4-kidney cancer. I...
View ArticleThe Walking Wall
Did you know that you could help patients by purchasing an art book? For every copy sold of The Walking Wall: 73 Cents to the Walking Gallery $10 is donated to the PatientTravel Fund of the Society...
View ArticlePartnership for Patients a bed time story
Every night as my six-year-old son Isaac goes to bed, we say a prayer that he created at the age of 4. He also designed the way we say it. We must take turns.(I am in red and he is in blue)Thank...
View Article"Root Certificate" at ONC Annual Meeting 2012
This week is one of my wilder ones and I will wear many hats.On Monday I worked at the toy store Barstons Child’s Play. I got into several conversations that compared the advances in toy technology to...
View ArticleBreak Out Session at AMIA
On Wednesday, December 12, I attended AMIA’s (American Medical Informatics Association) 7th Annual Invitational Policy Meeting: Health Data Use, Stewardship, and Governance: Ongoing Gaps and...
View ArticleThe Care and Cleaning of your Walking Gallery Jacket
If you have joined The Walking Gallery you are probably familiar with this request:“Send a business jacket. Please do not send jackets made of seersucker, corduroy, knit, denim, leather or stretch...
View ArticleRegina Holliday's Medical Advocacy Timeline
I began this timeline with the help of Cindy Throop in the fall of 2009 due to some negative comments on posts about our story. Apparently some folks that thought I was a fiction created to promote...
View Article#HIball
On December 20th I walked upon the streets of New York.I had just checked in to my hotel room. It was small, just enough space for a bed. I changed into my Walking Gallery jacket and left for the gala....
View ArticleSpinning the Message
Imagine a society where your device is never far from your hand. No matter how important you are or how low, you never go out socially without your technology. The line between work and personal...
View ArticleThe Conference I met Gail
Last night I was reading the book “Feelings” by Aliki to my almost 7-year-old Isaac. It is great book that discusses emotions; sadly we do not do this often talk about our feelings in regular life....
View ArticleIt is 7:20 here
Yesterday, I painted with a class of second graders. They were little bundles of captured energy. Their eyes sparkled and they could not be quiet. The majority of the class finished the project...
View ArticlePlease comment: Patient Safety Action & Surveillance Plan being requested by...
FROM HealthIT.GOV:"Health IT and Patient SafetyOn December 21, 2012, the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) issued the Health IT Patient Safety Action and...
View ArticleHallmark Please Create Hospice Cards
Do you keep all the cards you receive? I do. When I have spare time I even paste them into scrapbooks in all their lovely glory. Behind each sentiment or floral cover, I cherish the words written by...
View ArticlePartnership With Patients:The Survey
In September of 2012 a number of patient advocates, providers, activists and vender partners gathered in Kansas City for The Partnership With Patients Summit to speak about patient centered care,...
View ArticleHallmark is listening
Today has been an amazing day. The petition for Hallmark to create hospice cards has now grown past 1,500 signatures.Hallmark has responded in two ways. The Hallmark search engine now recognizes the...
View ArticleWhat I learned on the road to the Shorty’s
January 26th was my son Isaac’s 7thbirthday. Our small apartment filled with laughter as we crammed 7 children and 12 adults into our living room. It was a great day and I always enjoy such moments...
View ArticleOn Mirrors: The Continuing Conversation on Hospice Cards
I want you to think of how many times a day you look within a mirror. Every time we enter the restroom we glance within the mirror to double check our appearance. We use it to take those lovely cell...
View ArticleA Hospice Card at HIMSS13
I talk about HIT (Health Information Technology) often. I am very excited about the potential for HIT to allow patients better access to information so they can make decisions about their health. I...
View ArticleTen Thousand Hours
People often ask me when did I begin painting. They ask, “Did you paint before your husband died?” I tell them, “I have always created art. I drew; I painted as a small child.”Have you ever read...
View ArticleThree Asks: One Blog
Well, June is almost upon us and with June comes our third gathering of The Walking Gallery!!!I have three major asks within this blog and I know many of you are pressed for time so:1. Please...
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